Heartland Farms
907 3rd Avenue
Hancock, WI 54943

Important Information to Know Before Filling Out An Application for Employment With Heartland Farms, Inc or Horizon Cranberry Farms, LLC

  1. All areas of the application must be filled out completely and accurately. Please fill in the required information directly on the application and do not indicate “see resume”.
  2. If you are offered a position with Heartland Farms, Inc or Horizon Cranberry Farms, LLC. be aware that we may verify all of the information that you have written on the application, as well as your resume. If there is a discrepancy in your information, the job offer may be withdrawn. It is important to be sure that what you have written is correct.
  3. If you have any questions about completing the application, please ask for help from the Heartland Farms, Inc or Horizon Cranberry Farms, LLC representative who has been assisting you.
  4. I hereby authorize the company to inquire into my driving record with the state Bureau of Motor Vehicles, as allowed by 49 CFR 391.23 and 391.25. The company may periodically review driving records over the course of employment to verify qualification to continue operating company vehicles.

Applicant Acknowledgement

My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the importance of supplying accurate information on the application. I am also aware of the possibility of an offer of employment being withdrawn if any of the information is not correct.

  • Clear Signature
  • 1. Applicant Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • 2. Education

  • High School Actions
  • College Actions
  • 3. References

  • Full Name Company Actions
  • 4. Previous Employment

  • Company From Date Actions
  • 5. Additional Information

  • 6. Military Service

  • 7. Disclaimer and Signature

  • I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

    I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application for employment as may be necessary in arriving at an employment decision.

    This application for employment shall be considered active for a period of time not to exceed 90 days. Any applicant wishing to be considered for employment beyond this time period should inquire as to whether or not applications are being accepted at that time.

    I hereby understand and acknowledge that, unless otherwise defined by applicable law, any employment relationship with this organization is of an “at will” nature, which means that the employee may resign at any time and the Employer may discharge Employee at any time with or without cause. It is further understood that this “at will” employment relationship may not be changed by and written document or by conduct unless such change is specifically acknowledged in writing by and authorized executive of this organization.

    If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in discharge. I understand, also, that I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of the employer.

  • Clear Signature
  • Heartland Farms & Horizon Cranberry, LLC are equal opportunity employers and do not discriminate against otherwise qualified applicants on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, age, sex, marital status, national origin, disability or handicap, or veteran status.